The MomCo (formerly MOPS)


mops square logoMomCo & MomCo Next

Here at MomCo, we gather moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. That’s why we rally women, in their own neighborhoods, to help them become more brave, kind, and honest, one gathering at a time.

So, whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom, or seventh-time mom, you are welcome here. Whether you are an adoptive mom, young mom, seasoned mom, foster mom, stepmom or any other type of mom, you are welcome here. 

Our local MomCo Group, meet 2 times a month on Fridays, 9am - 11am, (please check the calendar for dates) in the upstairs of the Children's Center. Each meeting they have a special emphasis with projects, special speakers, and sharing the word of God. Your children are well cared for by background-approved workers. Children have crafts, snacks, playtime, and Bible stories. We invite you to join us and bring a friend who has preschool-age children. For more information and to contact a group member - use

We also have a local MomCo Next group, which is geared towards mothers of kids in school. They meet every other Thursday night at 7pm. There is no childcare provided as this is a much-deserved night out. The best way to get more information is
